Does Fish Oil Helps in Hair Growth?

Many natural remedies help in hair growth. Some people use vitamins as they believe that certain vitamins are helpful in hair growth. Fish oil supplements are known to be the most effective ones when it comes to hair growth.
There are many things to consider before adding anything new to your diet or haircare routine. So let’s take a closer look.
What is Fish Oil?
Fish oil is an essential vitamin that can be found in both liquid and gel form. It contains nutrients like Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that are known for several health benefits. Foods like eggs, salmon, and Brussel sprouts naturally contain these nutrients. So, if you are not eating fish in your diet, then supplements are a great alternative. Omega-3 fatty acids are not produced by the human body naturally, so its intake can be fulfilled from outside sources like fish and certain vegetables.
What are the Benefits of Fish Oil?
The Omega-3 nutrients that are present in fish oil have a lot of health benefits. So it’s better to add them to your diet. According to research by Harvard Health, “Omega-3 fatty acids play a significant role in the functioning of the brain, inflammation, body’s growth and development. Its deficiency may lead to certain health issues like mood disorders, cardiovascular disease, some cancers, arthritis, and much more. The most prominent benefit of fish oil is its cardiovascular benefit. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, “Fish oil lowers the level of triglycerides (blood fat) – lowers death risk, heart attack, stroke, and abnormal heart rhythms in people with heart disease. Fish oil is also known to treat and prevent atherosclerosis (arteries hardening) by slowing down plaque and blood clots development, which can lead to clogging of arteries.
Does Fish Oil Promotes Hair Growth?
Taking fish oil for your heart is beneficial, now let’s come to hair growth. Hair growth is a result of healthy hair. By consuming fish oil in your diet, you won’t instantly experience hair growth because hair growth is a way more complicated than that. But, fish oil helps in improving the overall hair cycle balance which further helps to lessen the hair loss. The Omega-3 fatty acids that are present in fish oil – help in making the scalp healthier which then helps with the growth. All new hair growth starts when your scalp is healthy! But remember that healthy hair and new hair growth aren’t affected by just one factor. For example, if you start consuming fish oil in your diet, but you don’t give your hair the care it needs – then your hair goals won’t be achievable. However, adding fish oil in your routine is a good start towards your hair goals!
How to Consume Fish Oil in your Routine?
Your body can get many nutrients from eating 2-4 servings of lean fish a week. The human body is great in absorbing any kind of nutrients such as Omega-3 fatty acids via a natural course of digestion. But if you don’t like eating fish, fish oil supplements are a great alternative as they provide the same benefits. You can also apply fish oil directly onto your scalp and hair. As fish oil smells bad so you can mix them with other oils i.e. coconut oil, castor oil, and then apply. If you can’t tolerate its smell, then you can use fish oil in the form of a soft gel.